“Global Research presented a thoroughly professional and quality report which enabled decision makers to understand the range of complex issues. The information was presented graphically and in written form and was turned around extremely quickly under tight deadlines. Patrick has a great understanding of local government processes and was able to accurately portray this in the report. I would not hesitate to use and recommend Global Research services in the future.”
Background and aims
The destructive 2010 - 2011 Canterbury earthquakes severely damaged much of Christchurch’s sporting infrastructure. This included the main track and field, hockey and tennis facilities being damaged beyond repair.
Council staff investigated possible replacement locations for these facilities before arriving at their preferred option, a joint sports hub at Ngā Puna Wai - 83 hectares of land beside Canterbury Agricultural Park in southwest Christchurch.
Following initial communication about the proposal, there were early supportive signals from the sports and recreation community, while some concerns were raised by those with interest in the Canterbury Agricultural Park which hosts the largest annual Canterbury event, the A&P Show, which attracts around 100,000 visitors over three days each November.
To inform its decision to proceed or not with the proposal, the Christchurch City Council consulted with its citizens for eight weeks from October to December 2014.
The Council received 685 submissions from individuals and organisations on the Ngā Puna Wai sports hub proposal and draft changes to the Canterbury Agricultural Park management plan.
Our role
Global Research was tasked with analysing and clearly presenting the information citizens submitted in the 685 submissions, which were diverse in their arguments and their presentation.
The project required both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Synthesis and analysis of every written argument was necessary as well as analysis of four closed yes/no opinion questions.
There was a requirement to complete all analysis within two weeks of us receiving the final submissions.
Design and method
Every submission was entered into analysis software, read and categorised into pre-defined topics based on support or not for the proposal and the nature of the submission. Full submissions and parts of submissions were then grouped into specific topics based on the arguments made. Summaries were prepared which presented the most commonly expressed arguments down to those expressed in only a few or one submission.
Frequencies and percentages of the four closed yes/no questions were also presented.
Christchurch City Council received the analysis report a few days ahead of the deadline. This gave Council officers time to prepare summary information for Councillors before they hosted oral submissions on the proposal. The clearly laid out, independent, impartial presentation of major and minor arguments meant the Council Hearings Panel responsible for recommending a decision was able to hear oral submissions and then quickly decide a recommendation to proceed with the Ngā Puna Wai sports hub. Not only were Councillors able to understand the level of support and disagreement with the proposal they were also able to come to terms with the breadth and depth of the arguments made.
The detailed and balanced presentation of the submitters’ diverse arguments provides the Council with the opportunity to satisfy opposition to the Sports Hub as the project progresses.
Councillors were able to make a well-informed and balanced decision to proceed with the Ngā Puna Wai sports hub. Ngā Puna Wai sports hub is now a fully functioning venue hosting a range of events and activities. Sportspeople and supporters now have the opportunity to enjoy the sport they love at quality sporting facilities within reasonable travelling distances.