Privacy, Sustainability, and Modern Slavery Statements

Privacy Statement

At Global Research, a significant part of our work is collecting, handling, and storing information provided by survey/engagement participants, and data that we collect ourselves via surveys and face to face activities. We take privacy seriously and endeavor to ensure that we comply with the Privacy Act 2020 while still being able to effectively complete projects for our clients.

Collection of personal information

For some projects, Global Research may collect personal information from respondents, predominantly via online surveys but also at face to face workshops or focus groups (or similar), including:

  • name

  • demographic details (age, gender, ethnicity)

  • location

  • opinions or comments on particular topics

  • computer or network

We collect personal information in order to conduct research for our clients. Providing personal information is optional. If a respondent chooses not to enter personal or demographic data, we'll be unable to analyse data fully by this variable. Respondents are not identifiable as an individual within survey results, as reporting is only of aggregated results. Information provided is only used for the purposes of the survey responded to.

The majority of data collected by Global Research is done so via online surveys, though we do also conduct interviews, phone surveys, workshops, or focus groups for some projects. Participation is voluntary, and consent can be withdrawn at any time. When collecting information from children or young people, efforts are made to gain consent from a parent or caregiver if appropriate, and explanations about why and how data is being collected are provided in a clear and age appropriate manner. If appropriate consent isn’t gained from an individual, we don’t collect data from them.

A significant amount of our work involves the analysis of information collected by our clients, for example, surveys or written comments collected via online platforms, online surveys, or written responses such as emails or letters. A large amount this work is the analysis of public engagement responses or submissions from members of the public, on behalf of public or government organisations. We take the same care and follow the same procedure when working with the data of our clients as outlined above. If a client requests that we remove all data for a particular project from our network, we adhere to this request.

Storage and security of information

We keep information safe by storing it in password protected files, accessible only by staff members who are working on that particular project.

We keep information as electronic files for up to two years, at which point we move the files to a securely stored off-line storage space.
We keep files so that questions can be answered if they arise after the completion of a project - for example, if a client requires further investigation into a specific element or respondent group, or if comparisons are required between different projects completed for the same client.

Access/correction of personal information

Individuals have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about them, and to ask for it to be corrected if they think it is wrong. If an individual would like to ask for a copy of their information, or to have it corrected, they can contact us at:
03 355 4562
150 Office Road, Merivale, Christchurch

Disclosing personal information

Global Research does not disclose any personal information. Efforts are made to remove all identifying information and when reporting, care is taken to ensure that participant privacy is maintained. Participant quotes are often used when reporting findings, but these are anonymised and cleaned of any sensitive or identifying information.

Disclosure outside New Zealand

Global Research does not store sensitive personal information collected in New Zealand overseas. We use cloud services such as OneDrive, which may host data outside of New Zealand, however when data is considered sensitive or our client has a requirement to keep information within New Zealand, we have the option to keep data in local storage facilities.

In some cases, the information we analyse has been collected in another country, (generally Australia), for a client based in that country. In these instances, as is the case with all our projects, data is not shared beyond what is necessary between Global Research and the client.

Unique identifiers

We will not ask for unique identifiers (such as an IRD or driver’s license number) or assign these to individuals.

Wherever possible, we make efforts to anonymise data being used for analysis, through the removal of identifying information such as names and contact information at the earliest possible stage during project delivery.

In the event of a privacy breach

In the event of a privacy breach, Global Research would take the following steps:

  • Follow our Incident Response Plan

    • If the breach involved data collected by a client, we would immediately notify the client of the breach.

    • If the breach involved data collected by Global Research, we would attempt to notify all impacted individuals.

Sustainability Statement

Global Research is committed to conducting market and social research focussed on sustainability. Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, our agency recognises the importance of minimising environmental impacts and contributing to a more sustainable future. Our dedication to sustainability is reflected in various aspects of our operations.

1. Environmental Stewardship

Carbon Footprint Reduction: We acknowledge the global environmental challenges we face and actively work to minimise our carbon footprint. The key actions we take to reduce our carbon footprint are a small easily-accessed office space and infrequent use of air travel.

Our small office requires minimal energy to heat and cool, achieved with renewable hydro-generated electricity. Our location on the outskirts of the central city is easily accessed by public and active transport sources by staff and clients.

For the vast majority of projects we complete, no matter where they are based, for example Wellington, Melbourne, or Sydney, we don’t travel there, which avoids carbon emission creation. Instead, meetings are conducted online, and data and information are transferred electronically.

2. Responsible Practices

Local commitment: We prioritise local businesses, and support within the Christchurch community whenever possible. By sourcing local products and services, we contribute to the economic growth and resilience of our region. Our location makes it possible for us to travel on foot to purchase most daily goods.

Reduced daily resource consumption: We strive to minimise waste and resource consumption within our premises. From energy-efficient practices to waste reduction strategies, we actively seek ways to decrease our ecological footprint. This includes aspects such as minimising waste creation, for example by only printing when necessary and composting food scraps, to providing reusable coffee cups for staff.

3. Employee Well-being

Workplace Culture: We foster a workplace that values sustainability, inclusivity, and social responsibility. Our team is dedicated to creating a positive and collaborative environment that promotes well-being and a shared commitment to our sustainability goals. Staff ideas for improvements are encouraged and acted on.

4. Ethical Research

Social Impact: In our market and social research endeavours, we are committed to conducting ethical, unbiased, and socially responsible studies. Our aim is to contribute valuable insights to our clients while ensuring wellbeing of the communities and individuals involved in our research.

Much of the research we complete, particularly public engagement analysis, increases the democratisation of cities and countries by ensuring the community voices are heard when central and local governments make decisions which impact their citizens.

5. Technological Innovation

Digital Transformation: Embracing technological advancements, we actively seek innovative digital solutions to streamline our operations and reduce the need for excessive resource consumption.

At Global Research, sustainability is an integral part of our organisational ethos. We continuously evaluate and improve our practices to align with the principles of environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Through our commitment to these principles, we aspire to be a leader in responsible business practices in the field of market and social research.

Modern Slavery Statement

Global Research is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business and supply chain. This statement outlines the steps we have taken and continue to take to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring within our organisation or our supply chains.

Our Business

Global Research is a market and social research company based in Christchurch, New Zealand. We provide data and insights to help businesses make informed decisions across various sectors. Our team comprises 12 staff members, and we complete projects for both local and international organisations. Our supply chain includes vendors and partners who provide us with products and services ranging from office supplies to computer software.

Our Policies

We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery in our operations and supply chain:

  • We are a relatively small organisation with personal knowledge of all staff circumstances, and are confident that modern slavery doesn’t exist in our own operation.

  • Whistleblowing policy: We encourage all employees and suppliers to report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking without fear of retaliation.

  • For international suppliers, our due diligence and risk assessment can only occur remotely and so we rely on their disclosure statements and any information that emerges that contradicts this.

  • For local companies, we rely on New Zealand law and police investigations.

  • We will act to stop using a supplier that is legitimately suspected of taking part in modern slavery practices.

Regular reviews: We review our policies and procedures regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

Contact us today to discuss your needs

Phone: +64 3 355 4562