“We received over a thousand submissions on our draft proposal. Global Research were able to process this significant volume of information in a timely manner and provided a synthesis of submissions that clearly identified the most important issues raised by the community. This proved to be a key piece of analysis when decision-makers made their recommendations on the final Plan.”
Background and aims
The Bay of Plenty Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 (RLTP) was developed as a single strategic document by all Councils within the Bay of Plenty to seek central government funding for improvements to the region’s transport network. A list of prioritised proposed activities was presented in the RLTP demonstrating which aspects of the transport network would be preferentially funded. These activities included improvements for road safety, active and public transport, and roading infrastructure.
A public engagement process was conducted to receive feedback from members of the public and stakeholders on the RLTP. Over 1,300 submissions were received from members of the public and stakeholders.
Our role
Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BoPRC) appointed Global Research to create a synthesised report of all public and stakeholder submissions regarding the RLTP. Global Research collated, analysed, and summarised all submissions into a synthesised report to inform the Regional Transport Committee of the opinions and ideas of the Bay of Plenty community for the future of their transport network and what they thought it should fund.
Design and method
All submissions were entered into NVivo qualitative analysis software, read and analysed by Global Research analysts. Analysts divided all comments into transport-focused themes and sub-topics, and subsequently generated precise summaries of submitters’ ideas and opinions. Direct comments requesting a change to the list of prioritised activities were also analysed and summarised to provide an insight into which activities the community thought should be funded first. Key stakeholder submissions were individually summarised, with specific points made outlined.
The many and varied submissions were organised into clear and precise guidance for decision makers. Global Research produced a report of synthesised summaries presenting the community’s opinions on the list of prioritised activities and transport themes and topics, and summaries of stakeholders' submissions.
The RLTP was accepted by BoPRC and submitted to the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) to contribute to the National Land Transport Programme 2018-21.
(image: QFSE Media, CC-BY-3.0)