“Global Research did a great job working with staff in developing a detailed on-line survey questionnaire to determine the Christchurch community views on urban and rural waterways in 2017. They provided robust advice throughout the project and delivered a detailed survey findings report in a timely manner. In addition they assisted Council with organising and running a community focused workshop. Happy to recommend GR to other organisations.”
Background and aims
With a view to improve waterways quality, the Christchurch City Council (CCC) engaged Global Research to investigate Christchurch citizens’ attitudes and behaviours regarding waterways; how they value them; assess their quality; treat them; and, the actions they are prepared to take to improve them. The research was a component of the proposed Community Water Partnership Initiative.
Our role
Global Research facilitated all aspects of the research, including: design and implementation of the online survey, analysis and reporting of results, and conducting workshops to gather deeper and more nuanced information on community water habits. These workshops assisted CCC to understand how best to translate citizens’ attitudes, awareness and appreciation of waterway quality, into advertising campaigns that positively influence water use.
Design and method
Global Research designed and implemented a sophisticated but easily completed online survey, canvassing the community’s attitudes and behaviours relating to Canterbury waterways. The questions used included choice selection and ranking options.
Christchurch city and Banks Peninsula residents were selected at random from the Electoral Roll and mailed a postcard invitation to complete the survey – ensuring highly reliable statistically robust results that could be relied on and replicated. Four hundred and twenty-five responses were statistically and qualitatively analysed to gain insights into the attitudes, values and behaviours of Christchurch people.
CCC were presented with a substantive report outlining the survey results in detailed as well as summarised forms. Direct quotes were included to offer an accurate and objective presentation of residents’ voices. In addition, graphic and infographic representations of data were included, simply and effectively presenting key information. Key findings of the report informed the successive stages of the project.
With this accurate information of residents’ views and opinions towards waterway quality, CCC aims to embark on a behaviour change marketing programme to promote greater community responsibility and improve the state of its waterways.