
Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy ~ MosaicLab | Infrastructure Victoria

Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy ~ MosaicLab | Infrastructure Victoria

Every 3 to 5 years, Infrastructure Victoria updates their 30-year strategy and makes recommendations to the Victorian Government on how to address infrastructure challenges. Major challenges facing the region that present infrastructure opportunities are climate change, fair access, future shocks and disruption, and the economy. In the beginning of 2023, it was time to engage with the public to give them the opportunity to influence and shape the direction of the updated strategy to be published in 2025.

Global Research’s role was to design a survey that could adequately assess the infrastructure priorities of respondents, while taking into consideration constraints to funding and options, and to present the survey results in an easily digestible and informative way. The aim of this survey was for respondents to make trade-offs between future options and, through this, communicate priorities.