“Global Research came highly recommended because of the work they completed for the Christchurch public engagement campaign, following the earthquake in 2011. Although our project was far smaller, the expertise, timeliness and thoroughness that Global Research brought to our project was of a high quality.”
Background and aims
Red Deer is a growing city of 90,000 people in Alberta, Canada.
To create viable alternatives to single occupant vehicle travel the city aims to design and facilitate integrated movement and to provide transportation choice as the City grows. With the help of 8-80 Cities (Toronto), and Gehl Architects (Copenhagen) the City developed ‘The Mobility Playbook’ to assist with its transportation network planning.
Our role
Global Research completed analysis of public comment on the draft Mobility Playbook, collected to ensure citizens had their say in the development of the final plan. We completed both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Design and method
Global Research analysts classified public comments based on respondents’ agreement or disagreement with the Mobility Playbook. Agreement or disagreement was measured by a survey question which then enabled comparison of the comments provided by those who agreed with the current Mobility Playbook and those who disagreed. All comments were integrated into one project which organised ideas by themes and topics.
A summary Report presented the public comments in a format that enabled refinement of the Mobility Playbook. The revised Playbook will help create a plan to ensure Red Deer achieves its integrated transportation goals.
Red Deer has a mobility plan informed by extensive transportation needs research and the community’s ideas and opinions. The city is now well placed to provide quality transportation options that meet the growing community’s needs. The mobility playbook is available under ‘How was Moving Red Deer Forward developed?’ on the Red Deer website.