City of Melbourne: adapting to change

The world looks very different in April 2020 than most of us would have imagined only a couple of months ago. The ways in which our day-to-day lives have changed are innumerable, but it is nice to see that governments and organisations are adapting in these uncertain times, keeping their people safe and their cities moving.  

The City of Melbourne (CoM) is one such organization who have taken it upon themselves to make changes for the good of their city. Two projects that Global Research has worked on recently alongside CoM have had to be reviewed due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Yarra's Edge Community Space

The City of Melbourne is working on developing a new community space in Docklands which can cater to a range of activities and uses. Global Research was involved in the consultation phase of this project, tasked with analysing data from a public consultation survey around how Melburnians would like this space to be used. 
Since our report was presented to the City of Melbourne in 2019, they have made some exciting advancements in the project. CoM planned to announce the opening of the community space in March 2020, but have decided to delay the opening in the interest of reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Melbourne’s libraries and community spaces are all closed for the time being for this same reason, but they’re not letting that stop people from enjoying the city safely! City of Melbourne have put together several resources to help their citizens cope with this unusual and difficult time, including tips on ways to enjoy Melbourne from home, and how to focus on health and wellbeing while social distancing.
We are looking forward to seeing the final product when this space can be opened, but in the meantime, we wish CoM all the best getting through this difficult time.

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Affordable Housing Strategy

Another important project currently underway in Melbourne is their Affordable Housing Strategy. A number of factors including rising house prices, a growing population and a lack of affordable rental homes is putting Melbourne’s housing supply under pressure, and putting some of the city’s most vulnerable people at risk.
The City of Melbourne launched a project aimed at improving access to affordable housing options, in order to keep the city’s most vulnerable people safe and healthy, and maintain Melbourne’s unique diverse and creative character. Global Research has been commissioned to analyse and report on the data from this public consultation, a process which is currently underway.

A series of pop-up feedback sessions were scheduled to be held, providing Melburnians with an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas around affordable housing. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, public sessions were put on hold to help prevent the spread of the virus and keep citizens safe. The public consultation was due to close on Sunday April 5th, but given the missed opportunities to share their thoughts in a public forum, CoM have extended the consultation by two weeks, and encouraged Melburnians to participate online. Written submissions are welcome via email, and resources are available online to learn about and discuss the Affordable Housing Strategy.


The City of Melbourne is leading by example, showing that normal project timelines and milestones can be rearranged and adapted when the circumstances call for it. We are constantly finding new ways to overcome these obstacles being presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is reassuring to see the different ways that governments, councils and businesses are adapting to these ever-changing circumstances.